Rudy Vandamme

Transformation catalyst, teacher, writer, and coach, these are my main roles. I serve leaders, teachers, coaches, and social workers to become genuine change makers in their professional practice.
Already for 20 years I call myself a designer. It still holds true that my main talent is to create new methodologies for communication, community, business, healthcare and education which are based on a more relational and integral worldview. Due to my hybrid profile, being academically and NLP trained, my foremost gift from life is to be able to translate new ways of thinking into practices and pattern language that are easy to integrate in your life and work.
I am inspired by Ken Wilber’s idea of holarchy and have put it into practice. It embraces the viable (inter)dependence of all beings and the self-organizational quality of life. The same inspiration can be found in the ecological worldview, and social constructionism.
The calling I hear throughout my long career, is to help professionals integrate social responsiblity into their work. They can learn to educate their clients (students, employees) to be more in line with the whole of humanity and what Earth asks us to do. Although I am passionate about this idea, I am always compassionate with existing realities as I prefer dialogue and collaboration over debate and provocation.

I am based in Belgium and France where we have a house surrounded by nature. We are lovers of nature.
In 2014 I obtained a Ph.D. in psychology from Tilburg University on Teacher Identity, using dialogical self-theory (H. Hermans) and a social constructionist approach. I lecture in different master programs.
My foundational studies are three master’s degrees at the University of Leuven (Belgium): psychology, philosophy, and anthropology. So I could balance the academic world with practice, I trained in various disciplines over the years: I am an international Certified Master NLP Trainer, Certified Mediator, Eco Village Design Educator (Findhorn), and Certified Transition Town Trainer (Amsterdam).
Because I am keen on social constructionism I am also an associate of the Taos Institute ( I’ve published fifteen books, mostly textbooks for educators, coaches, and leaders; five of these have been translated into English (see webshop: The leverage in the plan is to distribute brain-friendly coaching methods that imply a layered world view.